Chiropractic for ADHD

ADHD is a neurological disorder and chiropractic care specializes in reducing nervous system disturbances. Many parents looking for a natural, drug-free solution for their child have found chiropractic care to be helpful in treating ADHD.

Common ADHD Symptoms

There are classic ADHD signs that parents and teachers identify:

  • Inattention, hyperactivity and being easily distracted

  • Difficulty concentrating and sitting still

  • Inability to control impulsive thoughts and behaviors

  • Easily distracted by noises and activities

  • Constant motion—fingers, hands, arms, feet or legs

What to do

Before giving your child medication, begin with nutritional and lifestyle modifications. Rule out certain environmental factors by reducing your child's exposure to substances that are becoming more and more common:

  • Eliminate food dyes, preservatives, and additives from your child's diet.

  • Increase natural, organic foods without pesticides or herbicides.

  • Determine if an allergy such as dairy or gluten is involved, and if so eliminate it from their diet.

  • Remove all sugars and artificial sweeteners from your child's diet.

  • Reduce the use of cleaning agents, detergents, fabric softeners and other chemicals.

ADHD or not these are choices that will ultimately benefit your child. 

Traditional ADHD Treatment

A common approach to treating ADHD symptoms is to administer regular doses of methylphenidate. More commonly known as Ritalin®.

Ritalin® is a controlled substance that produces similar effects as amphetamines and cocaine. The side effects, including personality changes and permanent changes to the brain, cause most parents to seek alternative ADHD treatment.

Chiropractic: Safe and Natural ADHD Treatment

Chiropractors don't treat hyperactivity, we look for disturbances to your child's nervous system. We typically find problems caused by spinal distortions in the upper neck.  

In fact, the link between the spine, brain stem dysfunction, and ADHD is common. A thorough chiropractic examination can reveal noticeable spinal distortion, or even a reversal of the normal neck curve. This is why we often recommend regular treatment with safe and drug-free adjustments to help reduce accompanying nervous system tension.

Find Out More

As parents, we want the best for our children. If your child exhibits the symptoms of ADHD, you know it affects virtually everyone your child is in contact with. As you consider your options, consider a thorough chiropractic evaluation.

Chiropractic for Allergy

Treatment & Relief

Chiropractic for Allergies.

Your body has many ways of signaling you to an allergic reaction. Itchy eyes, sneezing, rashes, runny nose, constricted breathing, etc. 

Your reaction to the allergen, pollen, peanuts, shellfish, etc. is unique to you. If everyone had the same reaction to these common substances, we could blame peanuts, for example. But not everyone has a reaction. 

Why is that?

Your Reaction to a Threat to Your Nervous System

Your nervous system controls every function in your body, including your immune system, glandular system, respiratory system (and every system that reacts to allergens). Normally these systems in your body respond and adapt to the stress (allergens) around you. But uncontrollable sneezing or itchy eyes is a sign that your systems cannot properly handle the allergens they're facing.

This is an indication that your nervous system isn't working right. So, rather than directing our attention to determining which allergen, of countless possibilities, is causing your reaction, we look at your nervous system to give you allergy relief.

Think of it this way, we are all born with the same ability to adapt to stress. But, overtime, you body may no longer be able to handle all the stressors. Some could say it has reached it's capacity. This is typically caused by a blockage in the nervous system, called a subluxation. This is why we examine your nervous system first, to remove any interferences.

Allergy Treatment through Chiropractic

So technically, we don’t treat allergies. We look for ways to restore your ability to adapt to allergens by locating and reducing disturbances/interferences to your nervous system through chiropractic care. Simple, really.

We’d love to discuss your specific allergy issue and how chiropractic may help. Send us an appointment request so we can get you started toward allergy relief right away.

Chiropractor For Asthma

Chiropractic does not treat asthma directly. 

Chiropractic care is usually associated with neck pain, back pain, and shoulder pain. Our chiropractor will perform chiropractic spinal manipulation to address patients dealing with pain. 

However, many patients suffering from asthma experience improvement by receiving regular chiropractic care too.

Drugs from an inhaler may temporarily reduce your symptoms but ultimately ignore the underlying issue: nervous system disturbances.

There is a link between the spinal column, the nervous system, and the respiratory system according to research. This is why most chiropractic patients seeking treatment for asthma experience improved breathing.

What Causes Asthma?

Asthma is a disorder of the airways that causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways. It can occur at any age but is more common in children. 

A wide range of conditions may trigger asthma, including genetics, viral infections, allergies, or environmental triggers. In some cases, the cause is not known.

Some people are simply more prone to developing asthma than others. Factors that may increase your risk include: 

  • Respiratory infections, such as colds and flu

  • Family history of asthma

  • Smoking

  • Exposure to secondhand smoke

  • And other factors, such as exposure to chemicals in household cleaners.

There are also many different types of asthma. Symptoms vary from mild to severe and can range from shortness of breath to chest tightness. 

In addition, many people with asthma have family members who also have asthma. Identifying and treating both conditions together can improve outcomes.

Can chiropractors help with asthma?

The diaphragm is your primary breathing muscle. Nerves that control each breath leave your brain and exit the spinal cord. Spinal problems in this area can have a profound effect on the nerve supply to your diaphragm. 

Reducing or eliminating subluxations (spinal misalignments) in the spine may help restore proper nervous system function allowing for improved functioning in your lungs and diaphragm.

Research in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research documented results from 81 children receiving chiropractic treatment. The two-month study revealed that those under care saw a 45% decrease in the number of asthma attacks. 31% of those subjects voluntarily chose to decrease their asthma medication.

By improving the body's natural ability to heal itself, all of this is possible. 

Can chiropractors help with wheezing?

Chiropractic care has proven to help reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks. Chiropractic treatment cannot be guaranteed, but we can guarantee that we will do everything we can to help asthma patients. 

In case our methods do not prove effective, we will refer you to a specialist. 

Can chiropractors help with breathing problems?

Breathing problems are common in children and may not necessarily be recognized as asthma symptoms. It’s important to see your pediatric doctor to determine if your child has asthma.. Many different things can cause breathing problems, including asthma, allergies, and infections. 

Sometimes, a child may have a condition called Sleep Apnea that causes them to stop breathing for short periods of time while they sleep. Sleep Apnea can make it hard for a child to breathe.

One of the ways chiropractors can help with breathing problems is by helping to open up the airways. This can be done by adjusting the spine and releasing muscle tension in the upper chest and neck. When the airways are open, it’s easier for air to flow in and out of the lungs.

Can spinal misalignment cause asthma?

Chiropractic care and asthma aren’t two things that typically pair up together. With that being said, chiropractic can help those with asthma. Spinal misalignment can cause changes in the function of the respiratory system that may lead to asthma. These include airway narrowing, which prevents sufficient airflow into the lungs, as well as inflammation and bronchoconstriction.

In addition to these changes caused by spinal misalignment, many other conditions may also contribute to the development of asthma. 

For example, asthma may be triggered by infections or allergies. It may also be linked to environmental factors, such as second-hand smoke, virus exposure, and other toxic substances. 

Although the exact causes of asthma are still unknown, it is clear that a number of factors can influence its development and severity.

Therefore, you should work with your doctor to determine how your condition fits into this picture. But if you do have asthma and chiropractic spinal adjustments are something you have considered, reach out to learn more.

Can a chiropractor help with a cough?

A cough is actually an indication of a number of things going on in the body. This includes excess mucus production, an acute respiratory infection, or a chronic condition like asthma.

In any case, it’s important to consult a doctor if you suspect you might have a cough. There are a number of conditions that can lead to it and they need to be checked out.

There is some evidence that suggests chiropractic adjustments may be able to help with congestion and emotional stress associated with coughing, but further research is needed.

Chiropractic for Back Pain

Pain of any kind is your body's way of signaling you that something isn't right. However, most of us ignore the message by taking a pill to relieve our pain. This is essentially the same as removing a battery from a smoke detector! 

Back pain is particularly common in the U.S., with over 80% of the population suffering from some sort of lower back injury or nerve pain in their back.

Two Common Back Pain Causes

The joints on the back side of each spinal bone are full of nerves. If you are feeling nerve pain in your back it is a sign that these joints are not moving properly.

If your joints feel ok, but you are still experiencing back pain, it may be the discs between your spinal bones. Lower back injury, like a fall or car accident, can cause the soft material of your discs to bulge and put unnecessary pressure on the nearby nerves.

Your Back Pain Relief Options

Chiropractic has helped many people with back pain in a safe and natural way. However, some other options

  • Bed rest: Can provide some immediate relief, but will not eliminate the problem

  • Therapy: Can actually cause stress on the malfunctioning joints

  • Medicine: As we mentioned, just numbs the pain but doesn't eliminate it

  • Surgery: Can cause the need for repeat surgery later on. Consider this a last resort.

The Chiropractic Approach for Back Pain

Chiropractic adjustments help to improve spinal function. Chiropractic care helps to restore the way your spine works which allows your discs and soft tissues to heal and your nerve pain to reduce. 

If you don’t have a chiropractor, we’d love to be yours. Schedule a consultation today.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Isn’t some back pain normal?

    • Back pain is common, but not normal. Pain of any kind is a signal that something isn't right. Because our bodies have the ability to adapt to pain, we tend to ignore it. While minor pain may go away it is still a signal of an underlying problem, and should not be ignored.

  • What about using muscle relaxers?

    • Any type of drug for pain relief is simply masking the pain without eliminating it. Chiropractic is a natural health care method. If your pain is extreme, you can use ice to numb it a bit without risks associated with pain medication.

  • How does chiropractic care work?

    • Chiropractic taps into your bodies ability to heal itself. A cut on your arm does not magically go away. Your body heals it through a series of signals from your nervous system. These signals cannot flow through your body properly if your spine is misaligned, consider it an interference. Specific spinal adjustments are designed to improve mind/body communications. Health often returns with improved nervous system control of the body.

  • Is chiropractic covered by insurance?

    • Most insurance policies provide some coverage of chiropractic care. Give us a call to see if we take your insurance, or to see which of our affordable care plans is right for you.

Chiropractic for Bedwetting

Bedwetting is traumatic for most children who experience it. They avoid sleepovers, have to use plastic mattress covers. Feeling constantly frustrated, feeling unable to fit in. 

Most children experience poor bladder control up to the age of four or five. But after that, the inability to control bladder at night may be a sign of an underlying issue. Countless children have been helped with their bedwetting by the safe and natural treatment from chiropractic.

Bladder Physiology

There are two key muscles involved in bladder control. Their technical names are the detrusor and trigone muscles. The nerves that exit the spinal column in the lower back and sacrum control these muscles.

During the early stages of life, the sacrum has five separate segments. Later, these segments fuse together to form the triangular shaped bone that sits at the base of an adult spine. If these segments become misaligned (subluxated) while learning to walk, ride a bike, falling etc. they may compromise the nerves that are responsible for bladder function.

During a chiropractic examination, we look for these misalignments in your child's spine. We then adjust these misalignments through a safe and natural adjustment, to restore nervous system control and regulation to the bladder.

Research shows...

The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics document many studies showing the positive benefits of chiropractic care.

  • A study of 46 children received chiropractic care for a 10-week period. A quarter of those receiving chiropractic care had 50% or more reduction in the wet night frequency, while none among the control group saw a reduction. (JMPT 1994 (Nov-Dec);17 (9): 596-600)

  • Children with a history of persistent bed-wetting received eight chiropractic adjustments. Number of wet nights fell from seven per week to four. (JMPT 1991 (Feb);14 (2): 110-115)

  • The lumbar spine of an eight-year-old male bed wetter was adjusted once and at a one-month follow-up. There was a complete resolution of enuresis. “This happened in a manner that could not be attributed to time or placebo effect.” (JMPT 1994 (Jun);17 (5): 335-338)

Will Chiropractic Care Help with Bedwetting?

Because chiropractic care does not directly treat bedwetting, a thorough examination is necessary. If bedwetting is caused by nerve interference from the spine, your child may see great results from chiropractic care. The best way to see if we can help it so schedule an appointment. We approach these cases with sensitivity and compassion. Your son or daughter will appreciate and understand our explanations.

Please call or email us if your specific concern hasn’t been addressed here.

Carpal Tunnel Chiropractor

The problem with your wrist may be caused by a misalignment of the joints in your neck, shoulder, elbow, or wrist.

Chiropractic techniques are commonly thought to only help the spine, however they can be applied to other joints of the body like your wrists, ankles, etc.

Virtually every joint in your body is susceptible to malfunctions that impair your range of motion. Trauma or repetitive motions are often the culprits.

Carpal Tunnel

The carpal tunnel is a band of ligaments and small bones in your wrists. The painful symptoms associated with carpal tunnel are caused by a collapse of the "tunnel" nerve which compresses the nerves in your wrist.

Your Spine and Your Wrist

Many patients are surprised to learn that their wrist cracking carpal tunnel problem may be caused by the joints in their neck, shoulder, elbow or wrist. Subluxations (spinal misalignments) in the uppers spine may compromise the workings of any structure in your body down to the tip of your pinky finger!

Your Extremities

Shoulder pain, hip problems, knee pain, ankles, and even jaw problems have been improved with the help of chiropractic care. Try chiropractic before resorting to surgery!

Schedule a no-obligation consultation to find out what a safe and natural approach may do for you.

Common Questions:

  • Can chiropractic help with bone spurs?

    • Bone spurs and other arthritic changes to the joints are a common response to a long-standing malfunction. Restoring proper joint function will hopefully at least slow this degenerative process.

  • Can cracking your knuckles cause damage?

    • Knuckle cracking does not damage the metacarpal joints of your hand. However there is a danger of overextending already loose knuckle joints. Restoring motion to these or other joints of the body is best left to an experienced professional.

  • Will a wrist brace help? 

    • Braces are often prescribed to help protect the wrist and reduce mobility which causes pain. While it may help to alleviate certain symptoms, it essentially ignores the malfunctioning joints that are causing the problem. Chiropractic treatment will help restore proper motion to the affected joints and strengthen supporting muscles and soft tissues. Most patients are able to resume activities without a brace.

Pediatric Chiropractic Care

Surprisingly enough, children and infants can actually benefit the most from regular chiropractic care. While most think of chiropractic as a solution for neck and back pain, they are surprised to learn that chiropractic can be helpful for many types of childhood health issues.

Nervous System Interferences

The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, and all the nerves of the body and controls and regulates the entire body. Many childhood health problems are simply a result of nervous system interferences, commonly along the spine.

We use gentle adjusting techniques to help reduce these disturbance so your child's body can return to working as it was designed. Better health is a natural result when the brain and body have uninterrupted communication pathways.

Chiropractic for Children

When examining children, we commonly find nerve disturbances associated with many types of common childhood health complaints:

Chiropractic for Traumatic Birth: The birth process is almost always traumatic to the newborn due to effects of in-utero constraint, C-sections, vacuum extractions, or other aspects of birth. Have your newborn checked shortly after the birth to restore proper spinal function.

Chiropractic for Colic: Whether a natural birth, a C-section, etc. birth trauma typically produces a child's first nerve interference. Your baby can't tell you they have gas or severe abdomen pain, so they're likely just crying and crying and crying. Learn more about how chiropractic can help with colic >>

Chiropractic for Ear infections: Interferences in the upper spine can compromise the nervous system and immune system, making your child's ears susceptible to viral infection. Learn more about how chiropractic can help with ear infections >>

Chiropractic for Bedwetting: If your child's nervous system is compromised in the lower back, this can block nerve messages that are responsible for bladder control. Many children have regained their confidence and self-esteem with the help of chiropractic care. Learn more about how chiropractic can help with bedwetting >>

Chiropractic for ADHD: Psychotropic drugs are a common treatment for ADHD, but many parents are no investigating chiropractic care first. Reducing tension to the nervous system has produced excellent results for many children struggling with ADHD. Learn more about how chiropractic can help with ADHD >>

Chiropractic for Asthma: The bronchial tubes, lungs and diaphragm can be suffering from neurological compromise. With the help of chiropractic care, attacks can often be reduced or eliminated. Learn more about how chiropractic can help with Asthma >>

Chiropractic for Growing Pains: Pain of any kind is a warning that something is functioning properly. While growing pains are commonly viewed as a phase, it's actually a sign of stress to the nervous system. 

Chiropractic for Scoliosis: Before wearing a brace or complying with the all too common wait and see approach, try chiropractic!  Learn more about how chiropractic can help with scoliosis >>

Chiropractic for Wellness: Symptoms are not required to receive chiropractic care. Enjoy the piece of mind of wellness care for your children to prevent problems from ever occurring. 

Many of the problems we experience as adults are actually long-standing problems that began in childhood. If you have questions, give us a call and arrange a telephone consultation. We’re happy to discuss any concern without cost or obligation.

Chiropractic for Colic

Your tummy is hurting. You have a pounding headache. You can't sleep and it's making your cranky. One more thing, you can't ask anyone for help because you're only 2 weeks old! So all you can do is cry, and cry, and cry.

Lacking the ability to communicate, newborns cry to indicate that something is not right. And as parents, you feel helpless, and find yourself guessing at what could be wrong.


Colic was originally thought to be indigestion. The most common definition of colic is “unexplainable and uncontrollable crying in babies from 0 to 3 months old, more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week for 3 weeks or more, usually in the afternoon and evening hours.”

Birth Trauma?

If your baby seems inconsolable, it is hard to know if it's a digestive disturbance or not. Consider another explanation for the crying. Trauma from birth. Upon examining your child, we often find spinal distortions in the baby's upper cervical spine. This is usually caused during the birthing process. Your baby is likely suffering from head and neck pain. 

A 67% Reduction in Crying

Research published in the October 1999 issue of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics studied a small group of 50 infants. Half of whom were given the drug dimethicone and the other half receiving regular chiropractic adjustments. At the end of the two week study, those who were adjusted experienced a 67% reduction in crying while the drug therapy group only experienced a 37% reduction.

Almost No Research

Colic is thought to be a condition that resolves on its own over time. So there is little research about proper treatment of colic, however, there are many case studies showing improvement among colicky babies with subluxations (spinal misalignments).

Chiropractic for Colic

Chiropractic doesn't technically treat colic. If a misalignment is present and interfering with the proper function of any part of the body, restoring proper nervous system control often allows for the body to heal. This may happen regardless of age and regardless of what the particular symptoms are called.

Chiropractic for Ear Infections

Children suffering without the ability to communicate the problem often leaves parents feeling helpless. Ear infections are a common reason for a visit to the pediatrician.

The traditional approaches to treating ear infections include:

Antibiotics: This may be effective for acute bacterial infections, but many ear infection cases are viral, for which antibiotics are ineffective.

Tubes in the ears: Surgically placing tubes in the ears to drain them is risky. It requires anesthesia and they often come out.

consider a Conservative approach:

Chiropractic care: a safe and natural treatment. Our chiropractors will conduct a thorough examination to locate, adjust, and reduce nerve disturbances that may make your child's ears prone to infection.

Our bodies are made to fight off infection. When that ability becomes impaired, it is a sign that something is not functioning properly. Chiropractic focuses on the integrity of the nervous system.

Nerve Compromise

The nerves that control, regulate and monitor the ear begin in the brain stem, continue down the spinal cord, and exit out from between the bones of the spinal column.

Changes to the function of the bones, specifically those in the upper neck, may compromise the quality of the nerve signals to and from the brain. This can obviously affect the ability of any organ or tissue, in this case your child's ear, to defend against infection.

Impaired Drainage

Nerve compromise leads to abnormal tension in the muscles that support the spine. These muscles protect the spine from compromise. If they are tense and in spasm it can exert pressure on nearby lymphatic drainage ducts. This prevents natural drainage in the ears, leading to further problems.

What Chiropractors Do

The chiropractic approach is simple. Chiropractic care does not treat infections of any kind. We treat distortions of the spine. If your spine is misaligned in some way, it affects your body's ability to fight off infection. We will examine your child's spine and if nerve tension is detected, we gently reduce it with safe chiropractic adjustments. This helps to restore the integrity of your nervous system. For a child or infant, this usually requires a light touch with our fingertip to nudge the spinal bone to the right place.  

We explain everything in advance to you and your child. Our approach is safe and the results are achieved naturally. We'd love to be of help!

Chiropractic for Headaches

Headaches are very common, but that doesn't make them normal.

Pain Medication

The most common approach to headaches is pain relievers. Chiropractic takes a more natural approach. Our goal is to find the underlying cause of your headache and treat it so your headaches will not recur.

What Causes Your Headaches?

Headaches are most commonly caused by a lack of support from your neck. If the bones in your neck are not properly supporting your head, you may notice a reduced range of motion, headaches, etc. These spinal misalignments can affect the nerves, muscles, and even the blood supply to your head. 

A chiropractic examination will detect these spinal misalignments that could be causing your headaches. If an interference is present, you're likely to benefit from chiropractic care. 

Headaches are a Compensation Reaction

Your headaches are being caused by a compensation in your body. For example, if you have low back problems, your upper spine may compensate. This can cause your head to shift off center, which leads to headaches.

While we can't guarantee headache relief, we have had a high success rate with our patients who are suffering from headaches. Give us a call so we can discuss your situation and how we can be of help.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Is my spine what's causing all my headaches? 

    • The three most common causes of headaches are physical trauma, emotional stress or chemical toxins. So your spine is not necessarily the culprit. Sometimes it can be a combination of all three. Our examination will help to identify and correct the cause.

  • What is a subluxation?

    • A subluxation is a misalignment of the vertebrae. Subluxations are caused by physical stresses such as falls, accidents, repetitive motions, improper lifting, etc. They can be caused by emotional stresses such as anger, fear, stress etc. Subluxations can also be caused by chemical stressors such as alcohol, drugs, preservatives, pollution, and improper diet. 

  • I was told my pain is all in my head. What can I do?

    • Pain is real and it is a way of alerting you to the fact that something is not working properly. Psychological sources of pain are common. So your pain can be in your head, but it can also be treated! Undetected subluxations are likely the culprit.

  • How many visits will it take to find relief from my headaches?

    • Some patients experience relief quickly, but others notice a slow decline in their symptoms after several weeks of chiropractic care. It's impossible to say with certainty how many visits it will take since improvement varies per patient. 

  • What if chiropractic care doesn't work?

    • If we cannot find and correct the cause of your particular problem, we will refer you to other experts who may be able to help. Your health and wellness are our only goal. so we will do whatever we can to help.

  • Why hasn't my physician suggested chiropractic?

    • A natural approach to health and wellness did not use to be considered the norm. That's changing. And as more and more patients are demanding alternatives to drugs and surgery, more medical practitioners are referring patients to chiropractic.

Chiropractic for Neck Pain

Visualize balancing a 12 pound bowling ball on the tips of your fingers. This is what your neck was made for. 

Your neck is one of the most nerve-rich areas of your spine. Problems in the neck can cause problems throughout your body.

The Hard worker.

Supporting your head is one of the many things your neck does. Your neck and your shoulders work hard so even the smallest deviation in one of the seven bones of your cervical spine (neck) can cause pain and reduced head and neck mobility.

Minor and Major Neck Pain

Typically we see two causes of neck pain. Minor neck and shoulder pain are associated with discomfort, stiffness, or soreness. If these symptoms last for more than a couple of days, if they occur frequently, or if they were caused by an accident or injury then we consider it major neck pain.

Stress and Effects on the NEck

Physical, chemical, or emotional stress directly affects the severity of neck pain. For many of us, the neck and shoulders are the "weakest link in the chain" and so stress commonly shows up here.

Emotional stress is the most commonly overlooked cause. Have you ever called someone a pain in the neck? Fear anger or frustration can actually trigger a tightening of your neck muscles without you ever being aware of it. Over time, chronic muscle spasms will set in, which can lead to headaches. Safe and natural chiropractic care may help.

Consult a Chiropractor

We see patients with neck pain all the time. It's almost routine. Chiropractic care has a history of producing excellent results for those suffering from neck pain. And we are able to do it naturally, without the use of drugs or surgery.

At Active Life Chiropractic we specialize in reducing nerve interference in the neck. Many of our patients find relief from both minor and major neck and shoulder complaints. Call us or email us with any questions or schedule a no-obligation consultation to find out if you're a good candidate for chiropractic care.

Chiropractic for Pinched Nerve

A pinch nerve is so named because that's what the pain feels like for you. For your body to properly function, the nerve openings along your spine must be unobstructed.

The 24 "moving" bones of your spine protect your spinal cord while permitting normal turning and bending. There are nerve roots on each side that branch off your spinal cord at each segmental level to service the organs and tissues of your body. If these become obstructed, even a little, your brain can't properly control and regulate your body.

If a spinal bone becomes misaligned, it can put pressure on these important nerve openings leading to nerve irritation.

Two Types of Pinched Nerves

When bones lose their normal range of motion or become misaligned, it can cause two types of nerve disturbances:

  • Compressed lesion - This is a fancy way of saying pinched nerve, which is actually pretty rare. What's more common is a...

  • Facilitative lesion – this is caused when the nerve root is stretched, twisted, or chafed. I.e. hard tissue rubbing on soft tissue.

Remember, bones are static. They don't move unless your muscles move them. Muscles don't move unless commanded to do so by the nervous system. An irritated nerve creates a vicious loop. Chiropractors locate these irritated areas and reduce their impact on your nervous system.

A Helpful Examination

A thorough chiropractic examination helps to identify areas of your spine where there are misalignments preventing you from moving correctly. We give them a precise little nudge, aka chiropractic adjustment. This nudge reduces nerve irritation.

Because chiropractic helps the integrity of your nervous system, it can help with pinched nerves. Give us a call to schedule your appointment.

Common Questions:

  • How long does it take for nerve irritation to be reduced?

    • Some patients experience immediate relief while others discover it can take many weeks. A variety of factors like the longevity of the issue, your age, etc. can affect the healing process. 

Chiropractic for Pregnancy

Typically, most people shudder at the thought of chiropractic during pregnancy. However, there are four stages during pregnancy in which having an optimally working nervous system can help both mother and child.

Many patients who received regular adjustments during pregnancy report a shorter, more pleasant delivery.

Help with Infertility

Even before birth, proper nervous system control of the reproductive organs has blessed many chiropractic patients with the child they were struggling to conceive, and helps the mother carry the pregnancy to term with ease.


Receiving regular chiropractic adjustments during pregnancy appeals to mothers trying to maintain proper health for themselves and for the baby. It also ensure the best possible positioning for the birthing process.

Labor and Birth

The hips and spine are extremely important during the birthing process. Chiropractic ensure the optimum positioning to reduce the need for any medical interventions during birth.

After Birth

Whether it's a C-section, a natural birth, etc. all births place undue stress on your baby's spine. If your baby is suffering from a subluxation (spinal misalignment) they may have trouble turning their head to the side to breastfeed. 

Chiropractic care is safe and gentle for your and for your baby. We're here to help! Schedule an appointment with us today.

Common Questions:

  • Will adjustments hurt my baby?

    • We would never do anything to hurt your or your baby. The most common concern of patients if that an adjustment will be painful, specifically for children. Adjustment for children and infants or for pregnant mothers are much different than those for adults. In fact, adjusting techniques are usually modified for a person's size and specific problem. 

  • Will adjustments make my spine too loose?

    • Not at all. Only the spinal joints that a locked up will receive an adjustment. This allows the weakened nerves, muscles, and ligaments to stabilize and heal. 

  • Pregnancy is natural. Why would I need chiropractic?

    • Yes, pregnancy and birth are natural. It's what hospitals have done to the birthing process that make it an issue, though natural births can still be traumatic! A newborn's introduction to the world is likely accompanied by a severe temperature drop, loud noises, and drugs. These can all have a profound effect on a newborn, especially if their nervous system is already unable to work properly due to a misalignment.

  • Will my medical doctor approve/recommend chiropractic care?

    • A medical recommendation for chiropractic is not required. The opinion of a health professional is always helpful in making decisions, so if you'd like ask your doctor about chiropractic and learn more about the natural, drug free approach to wellness.

  • What does my spine have to do with my baby?

    • While it's always ideal to have an optimally functioning nervous system, it's especially helpful during pregnancy. Both mother and baby benefit. 

Chiropractic for Sciatica

Sciatica is a pain that begins in the low back and extends down one or both legs. It is usually exacerbated by long periods of sitting or standing.

Sciatica is typically related to the discs between the bones of the low back. Trauma causes one or more of these discs to bulge. This crowds the nearby nerves, causing irritation and inflammation. A cough or a sneeze may feel painful. If ignored, the nerve irritation extends along the sciatic nerves down one or both legs. While the pain occurs in the legs, the culprit is actually the low back.

We can help!

Improving joint motion is our speciality! Chiropractic adjustments help to restore proper motion to the spine. Producing great pain relief for most patients. 

It all starts with a chiropractic consultation and thorough examination of the spine. If we think we can help eliminate the cause of your pain, we'l tell you. If we don't think we can help, which is rare, we'll refer you t someone who can. Get started by scheduling your appointment today.

Common Questions:

  • How do you get sciatica?

    • It is sometimes easy to trace spinal problems to certain events like car accidents. However sciatica is often the result of cumulative damage. Years of poor postures, bad muscle tone, excess weight, ect. can set the stage for sciatica. Something simple like bending over to tie your shoes can trigger an episode. Spinal decay is another culprit. Instead of disc thinning that puts pressure on the sciatic nerve roots, arthritic bone spurs can intrude into the space for the nerve.

  • Does chiropractic cure sciatica?

    • Technically, chiropractic doesn't cure anything. It taps into your body's ability to cure itself. Chiropractic can help restore proper nervous system function to reduce nerve irritation and revitalize your own healing ability.

  • How much chiropractic care will be needed?

    • Most patients experience relief after one visit, however relief can take weeks or even month of care depending on the case.

Chiropractic for Scoliosis

Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine. It starts as a postural distortion and can develop into a permanent deformity. If left untreated, scoliosis may interfere with the lungs, heart and many other vital organs.

Scoliosis Causes

Scoliosis can be caused by:

  1. A genetic predisposition

  2. Habitual behavior

  3. Unknown cause

No matter what the cause, early detection is key to preventing larger problems.

Signs of Scoliosis

A high shoulder or a low hip are some of the more obvious indications of scoliosis. Take a look at your child's shoes. If there is uneven wear on the shoes that is another clue. If your child is complaining of back and leg pains that is also a sign. 

Wait and See?

The wait and see approach will only allow scoliosis to worsen. Scoliosis is often treated with bracing or surgery that attaches steel rods, forcing the spine to straighten.

Try Chiropractic for Scoliosis

Regular and specific chiropractic adjustments help improve the function and structure of the spine. As the spine is adjusted the muscles are retrained and strengthened to improve posture.

If you think your child may be suffering from scoliosis, bring them in as soon as possible to explore the treatment options.

Scoliosis Success Story

Right: Initial x-ray (28 degree upper thoracic curve, and 14 degree lumbar curve)

Left: Follow-up x-ray (20 degree upper thoracic curve, and 4 degree lumbar curve)

Meet a 13-year-old athlete who came to us with persistent right shoulder pain. After a thorough evaluation, we determined that x-rays were necessary. The initial x-ray (shown on the right) revealed structural imbalances contributing to their discomfort.

After just six weeks of consistent chiropractic care, we took a follow-up x-ray (shown on the left) and saw incredible progress! Not only has this young athlete experienced significant structural improvement, but they can now enjoy their active lifestyle without pain.

And we’re not stopping here! With continued care, we’re excited to see even more progress.

Who do you know that could benefit from chiropractic care? Let’s help them move and feel their best!


Common Questions

  • Isn’t a certain amount of curvature in the spine normal?

    • Curvature in the spine is normal but not a sideways curvature . From the back, the spine should look straight. When scoliosis is occurring, there are usually two curves. A primary curve in one direction and a compensatory curve in the opposite direction.

  • I heard scoliosis is caused from a lack of calcium?

    • That's not accurate. However, there are a growing number of people who believe that uncorrected spinal damage caused during the birthing process may be involved. There is another theory that walkers may prematurely interrupt the crawling stage that is essential for proper spinal development.

  • Is it true that heavy back-packs cause scoliosis?

    • Heavy back packs are a growing concern, but they don't necessarily cause scoliosis. Regardless, make sure your kids use both shoulder straps on their back-packs so the weight is evenly distributed. Also weigh their bags to make sure it doesn't exceed 10%-15% of their body weight.

Chiropractic for a Slipped Disc

Slipped disc is a misnomer because a slipped disc is usually bulging, prolapsed, protruding, or herniated. Either way, chiropractic care can help.

Nerves Need Room

The most serious problem you can encounter with your discs is a prolapsed disc in which the soft center ruptures and leaks. 

Your discs are a special cartilage between the bones of your spinal column. They attach to the vertebra above and below them. This creates the separation between spinal bones so pairs of nerves can exit the spine.

Turning and Bending

Each spinal disc has a soft core that is contained by bands of fibrous tissue. Healthy discs allow you the flexibility for normal turning and bending. Things like improper lifting, slips or falls, and car accidents can cause a shift leading to:

Herniated Disc: when the disc wedging narrows nerve openings. Sometimes there are no obvious symptoms of a herniated disc so it's important to have your spine checked.

Protruding Disc: think of it like a blister. Your disc is bulging where it is weakest, which causes nerve pressure.

Prolapsed Disc: the cushioning in your disc ruptures making movement painful.

Try Chiropractic

Chiropractic has been a natural solution helping people with a variety of disc problems.

Common Questions:

  • How does chiropractic help disc problems?

    • Chiropractic care aims to locate and correct ares of the spine that are interfering with your nervous system function. Because the intervertebral discs are so close to the spinal cord and nerve roots, chiropractic cases often involve disc treatment. Chiropractic adjustments allow for proper motion and position of malfunctioning spinal bones, improving nervous system function. If caught and treated before causing permanent damage, disc tissue often returns to a more normal shape and size.

  • Aren’t disc problems part of the normal aging process?

    • Not necessarily. However, many disc problems appear at an older age due to years of neglect. A lot of spinal problems are asymptomatic until reaching the advanced stages of degeneration.

Chiropractic for Stress

Most of us consider all stress to be bad. But, in reality, there's good stress and bad stress. A 20 minute high intensity workout for a fit 25-year old is good stress. That same work out for a 75-year old is likely going to be bad stress. We each deal with stress differently, for instance some of us may faint or lose consciousness as an attempt to manage stress. There are three different types of stress that we all deal with on a regular basis.

Physical Stress

Repetitive motions such as painting, or sleeping in a bad position (on your stomach with your neck twisted), or whiplash injuries from a car accidents are examples of physical stresses. As are slips and falls, and even being born!

Mental Stress

Ever been overwhelmed with an impossible amount of work? Or struggled to grieve the loss of a loved one? Have you ever noticed the posture of someone who is depressed? Frustration or a sense of powerlessness are common forms of emotional stress. We give the most attention to mental stress since physical stress is usually masked with pain medication. 

Chemical Stress

We are constantly being assaulted with chemicals, usually without even realizing it. Drugs, preservatives, tobacco, alcohol, pollen and a host of other substances can affect our nervous system and muscle tone on a regular basis.

Your body reacts to these assaults all the time without you ever knowing. However, when it can no longer handle the stress it becomes subluxated (misaligned). Chiropractic care helps to restore normal nervous system function so you can continue to properly adapt to stress. 

There is no way to rid your life of stress, but chiropractic care helps your body to better adapt to it. Schedule an appointment with us to see how chiropractic care can help with your stress.

Chiropractic for Wellness

Most of us do not think to visit a doctor when we are feeling well. However, a growing number of people striving for wellness are visiting chiropractors on a regular basis.

The First Symptom

Remember missing school when you were sick and returning when you felt better? We are taught to think of being sick as having obvious symptoms. But these days, many health problems are the result of lifestyle choices that don't always have obvious symptoms until the effects are well advanced.

A Healthy Response

We also often ignore healthy symptoms. Here is an example, if you have ever suffered from food poisoning, you probably felt awful during. However, that is actually a sign of a healthy body. Your body was protecting you from the food. This is a healthy response. So true health is not always feeling well, it is actually that our bodies function well.

Nervous System Control

Your body's ability to function is based upon the integrity of your nervous system. That's the primary focus of wellness chiropractic care. We ensure that every organ and tissue has uninterrupted nerve supply. Wellness care involves detecting little problems before they become serious problems. 

The Key to Health & Wellness

True health and wellness is optimum physical, mental, and social well-being. Commonly proper health is thought to be the absence of disease or infirmity. 

Proper hydration, correct diet, and regular exercise and every other healthy habit, including regular chiropractic care, ensure proper health and wellness. The best way to assure health is to have a properly working nervous system. This gives your body it's best fighting chance against any issue.

Although everyone wants to eliminate pain, your care should not be based on whether or not you have pain or other symptoms. Subluxations (spinal misalignments) may exist without obvious symptoms. Just like you can have a cavity without pain, or high blood pressure with no signs, you can have nervous system interference without knowing it. 

Give us call at (701) 255-4241 so we can help you take your first step towards true health.